Opening Day at Cropthorn Farm

Date(s) - Fri, Jun 05
10:00 am

Cropthorn Farm


We are excited to open the farm stand for another season on June 5th, more now than ever we are dedicated to be growing for our local community. We have, and will continue to, take steps to make sure safe and nutritious food is grown here at Cropthorne.

While you can still expect the same great diversity of Certified Organic vegetables and flowers at the stand this year, some things have changed.

We ask that:

Not to shop if you are ill, ask a friend or neighbour to shop for you.
Upon arrival there is hand sanitizer to use before entering the stand.
There is a limit of two people (or one family) in the stand at a time.
All customers that are not in the same party must maintain a distance of 2 metres.
While not mandatory, we prefer credit or debit over cash.
Please be kind to other shoppers and staff, this is new to everyone and there will be the odd misstep.
Also on Tuesday and Friday mornings from 10am-11am, we will reserve that time for seniors, those who are more vulnerable and those that are immunocompromised to shop.

Food safety has always been at top of mind, even before covid-19 came into the picture. We are working harder than ever with more sanitation and on-going dialog with our small, dedicated team as new information comes in from our provincial health authority. Rest assured, we are doing everything we can to keep our customers and crew healthy.

Throughout all of this, we have been working on plans to make this season a success and will adapt and assess week to week to make sure it is an enjoyable shop at our stand. We appreciate your support and patience as we work on finding the way to make the best and safest shopping experience for all.

Like you, we don’t know what the future brings, but we are determined to continue to do what we love, growing top quality, nutrient dense food for our local community. We are so grateful for your support,

The Cropthorne Farm team