Port Kells Nurseries
- 18730 88 Avenue, Surrey
- 604.882.1344
- Rene and Joanne Duineveld
- [email protected]
- www.portkellsnurseries.com
Our family owned and operated garden centre and nursery is one of the largest bedding plant and hanging basket suppliers in the valley. Come visit our 40,000 square feet of greenhouses where we will happily refill your existing planters or hanging baskets and keep them growing until you are ready (over 20,000 per year)! You can shop for décor in our 4,000 square foot gift shop and take a walk through our 32 acres of trees and shrubs. While visiting, be sure to say hi to all of our fury and feathered friends. We have 32 bulk bins with an exceptional bulk material selection and nine delivery trucks to get your orders to you quickly. In the fall, we offer hayrides throughout the nursery to our pumpkin patch, as well as a haunted house, hay maze, corn maze, and pumpkin cafe! With up to 89 staff members, you are sure to get the help and guidance you need.
OPEN daily year round, except December 25 to February 1. Visit our website or Facebook page for current store hours.
Farm Products:
- Bedding PlantsCedar HedgingCeleryChristmas TreesClematisCompostCorn, OrnamentalCyclamenDahlia TulipsEggsFlowers, AnnualsFlowers, BulbsFlowers, PerennialsFruit TreesGourdsGrassesHanging BasketsHayHerbs / Herb ProductsHollyIrisesJapanese MaplesLavenderNursery StockPoinsettiasPotting SoilPumpkinsRhododendronsRosesSproutsSunflowersTrees / ShrubsWater Plants