Willow View Farms

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Murray andCheryl Siemens

“We are really happy with the interest in our products this year” said Murray Siemens when asked about how his farm was doing compared to other years. “We’ve noted quite an increase in our sales from this period last year” he said. The Siemens family have been farming in their present location since 1960 and they operate some 40 acres in the Abbotsford area.

Employing as many as 12 workers seasonally, Murray and Cheryl Siemens, and their family, sell mostly apples and pumpkins in the fall but also grow a full range of fresh berries including blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and saskatoons that they sell during the summer months. They also provide specialty “value added” products such as dried apples and specialty pumpkins. “A lot of people aren’t really sure how to prepare squash and pumpkin” said Cheryl. “We like to share recipes with people who ask us about them”.

A growing interest in local food and the people who produce it has been noted by Murray and Cheryl during the past few years. “We feel like we are really appreciated for what we do” said Murray. “We really enjoy our customers and having contact with them. It is nice to remember them and to share some of their experiences too”.

Farming is a very busy job. It takes a lot of time to grow the crops and prepare them for sale through their on-farm country store. “But we enjoy it” said Murray.