KBF Nursery and Farm Market
- 40040 No. 3 Road, Abbotsford
- 604.852.9033
- Dave Khakh
- 778.552.7701
- [email protected]
- www.kbffarms.com
KBF Nursery and Farm Market has been a family owned and operated business since 1980. We are one of the largest farms in the heart of the Fraser Valley, growing over 400 acres of fresh berries, produce, and nursery stock. You will love our sweet raspberries, strawberries and blueberries available all summer long. We grow a huge variety of sweet corn picked fresh daily, plus all the other vegetables including peas, beans, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, cucumber, potatoes, pumpkin, radish, squash, Taiwan cabbage, and Russian garlic. Nursery stock is available year round in pots; please contact us for any nursery stock orders outside of our regularly open months. We specialize in flowering cherries, crab apples, Japanese maples, fruit trees and hedging cedars. Come visit our farm market and nursery and see for yourself our great quality and prices. Delivery available, wholesale welcome.
Also visit our additional summer locations:
45497 Yale Road, 6735 Evans Road, and
8105 Young Road in Chilliwack.
OPEN daily, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, June 1 to October 31 at our Abbotsford farm. Visit us online for summer location hours and updates.
Farm Products:
- ApplesBeansBedding PlantsBees / Beeswax / Other Bee ProductsBlackberriesBlueberriesBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCarrotsCauliflowerCedar HedgingCherriesCorn, OrnamentalCorn, SweetCucumbers, FieldFruit TreesGarlicGrapesHanging BasketsHoneyIce Cream / GelatoJapanese MaplesNursery StockPearsPeppers, FieldPlumsPotatoesPumpkinsRadishesRaspberriesRhododendronsRhubarbTurnip / RutabagaZucchini