Neufeld Farm Market
- 32215 King Road, Abbotsford
- 604.859.2829
- Dan & Audrey Neufeld
- [email protected]
A family farm for more than 40 years, sharing the valley’s best! We raise our own chicken! Our freezers are filled with top of the line beef, seafood, and local gourmet sides. Our dairy, deli, and local bakery offer everything you need to inspire fresh ideas and healthy choices. Experience the taste of summer with homegrown strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cucumbers, sweet corn and pumpkins. Add Okanagan fruit, and you will always find a complete selection of B.C. produce. Visit us for old-fashioned service, along with our old-fashioned milkshakes and soft serve ice cream all summer long.
OPEN year round, Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm; closed holidays. From June through August, visit Monday to Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Sunday and holidays from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Farm Products:
- ApplesApricotsAsparagusBeansBeefBeetsBlackberriesBlueberriesBreadBroccoliBrussels SproutsCabbageCauliflowerCeleryCheeseCherriesChickenCider / JuiceCorn, OrnamentalCorn, SweetCranberriesCucumbers, FieldCucumbers, HothouseCucumbers, PicklingCurrantsDairy ProductsEggsFlour / Other Grain ProductsFlowers, Fresh CutFruit PiesGarlicGourdsGrapesHoneyIce Cream / GelatoJams / Preserves / SpreadsKaleLettuce, FieldMelonsMilk / Milk ProductsOnionsPeachesPearsPeasPeppers, FieldPeppers, HothousePlumsPorkPotatoesPumpkinsRadicchioRadishesRaspberriesRhubarbSalad GreensShallotsSpinachSquashStrawberriesStrawberries, EverbearingSwiss ChardTomatoes, FieldTomatoes, HothouseTurkeyTurnip / RutabagaVinegars / Sauces / OilsWalnutsYogurtZucchini